Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good Readers

Good readers use the reading comprehension strategies as they read. You have heard me say this several times already and we have completed only the first month of school. The reading comprehension stratgies include
  • making connections
  • asking questions
  • visualizing
  • predicting
  • inferring
  • activating your prior knowledge
  • monitoring your comprehension
  • determining what's important
  • syntheszing

Please answer the following as you comment today . . .

1. Describe which strategy is the easiest for you and why.

2. Describe which stragtey is the hardest for you and why.

3. What are you looking forward to this year in reading?


Anonymous said...

i think stopping and asking questions because it helps us visualize.sinthasizing is the hardest.i am looking forward to having alot of fun.

Anonymous said...

because i can easily visualize
because some times i cant make connections

Anonymous said...

What strategy is easiest for me is visulizing because it helps me understand the sory better. whitch stradagy is hardest for me is infering because i dont know whats next. im looking forward to spending time on the computer more.

Anonymous said...

Visualizing becase i know what is coming next.

Anonymous said...

question asking is easiest for me because its easy
predicting is hardest because its hard

Anonymous said...

the strategy thats easiest for me is makeing connecting.Because its easy to make connecting.giveing question.Because its hard to pick a question.to read fun books.

Anonymous said...

the easyest stragety for me is visualizeing because i can always picture things in my mind and see things better than i could read. the hardest stragtey for me is connecting to the book there is no book that is like me in any way. i am looking forward to useing the computer more often.

Anonymous said...

i skip it if i dont understand and come back to it later.umm that would probly would be look it up in the dictonarie because sometimes it doesent have the word have that word

Anonymous said...

the read stratgey i like using is read and ask questions.the hardest stragety is nothing.this year i want to rais my lexile.

Anonymous said...

I think we need to use more q matrix because they use stop and ask qeustions.

Anonymous said...

i think all of them are pretty good.a good reading year.

Anonymous said...

connecter is easier for me because i think of stuff to connect with.summarize is harder for me becausei am not good at summarizeing something.
to have fun and to get on the computers more and to play reading games and to do actives and stuff.but i am looking towards reading books together as a group or as partheners or as a class.and i hope we blog more and stuff as a class.

Anonymous said...

the stragty that is easyest for me is activotor beacuse i useally read good books that i can say i rember when this happend.
the stragety that is haredest for me is dertimer beacuse i dont know how to tell if the text is importan .im looking forward to having fun in this class with the computer and reading a good book this school year and becoming a betterr reader and improving on sri score to read better books this school year.

Anonymous said...

my easyest is to connect because i hav3e lots of things that are the same thing but in differnt words the hardest is to inferrer because i dont know any thing that good to put on it

Anonymous said...

The easiest stragie is asking questions. Its easy because i get a lot of questions when i read in my head. The hardest is making connections because i dont have very many memories. That and i cant remember!

Anonymous said...

viisualising is easy becuse it makes the book easy to understand.

Anonymous said...

the easiest is visulizing the hardeast is summarizer. i am looking to read poems.

Anonymous said...

I infer it helps me think about the book and better understand the book

Anonymous said...

visualising is the best stratigy for me.

Anonymous said...

i like to visualize because it makes the story better. i dont like to predict because it can give me the wrong idea on the book

Anonymous said...

Visualizing is what helps me the best . syntheszing. nother.

Anonymous said...

the easirst stragtey 4 me is visulising & the hardest is connecting

Anonymous said...

The easiest strategy for me is visualizing. The hardest strategy is summarizing. I am looking forward to reading poems this year.

Anonymous said...

to help me understand the book

Anonymous said...

I love to visualize because it puts me in adiffrent world.

Anonymous said...

I think that stoping and asking qustions because it helps me think more about the book. but the hardest one isthe quiz thing with the green blue red and yellow.

Anonymous said...

The easiest for me is prediction because it can be true what you predict.The hardest is connection because if you don"t have one you still have to predict.THe visualzation is pretty easy to me.

Anonymous said...

i think stopping and asking questions is a good thing to do and have a good time.

Anonymous said...

Questions is the easiest stragety for me to use because it helps me get the chance to ask the questions that I need to learn.Predicting is the hardest strategy for me to learn because it is hard to get the right answers I need.I am looking forward to going on a feild trip to the library and get our own library cards.Aunother thing I am looking forward to is getting to keep our owne books.

Anonymous said...

visualizing because I can see what's happening

Anonymous said...

the easest stratige is to lissen!!!

Anonymous said...

i think stop and ask guestions helps and visualizing helps too. i am looking forward to have that stuff help me..

Anonymous said...

visualizing cause u can see what is happining in ur mind
the hardest is pridicting cause somtimes u dont kno whats goin to happen next
readin lots of books

Anonymous said...

asking questions because I can't think of any.

Anonymous said...

visualizing,because it is easy to visualize things with my eyes. talking would be hard for me because you can talk to people and mess up what you are saying.

Anonymous said...

Readig alot of books.

Anonymous said...

ask qestions...

Anonymous said...

I use the 5 finger rule I use this because it helps me understand what im reading.

Anonymous said...

the strategy that is easy for me is visulizing because i know what is going to happen next and the hardest is summarys because it is hard to list what happen in the exact steps

Anonymous said...

predicting is the esiest for me becase all you have to do is guss some times

Anonymous said...

I think that the easiest stradagy to visualize things is to stop think and ask questones.

Anonymous said...

i think stopping and asking questions is the easiest thing for me.visualizing is the hardest for me.im looking forward to checking out books.

Anonymous said...

i use the five fainger rule because it helps me understand if the book is to hard for me or to easy for me. i havent encountered a hard strategy. i have learned that the best things in life are the ones who come as a surprise.

Anonymous said...

i think stopping and asking questions is the easiest for me.the hardest is visulizing.i am loking forward to readind some good books and doing some fun activities!

Anonymous said...

asking questions is hard for me becase i dont get it.

Anonymous said...

to raed all the books in these scool hi

Anonymous said...

visualizing because you can visualize easier because you have got to think of some thing than try to see it in your head and that is visualizing.the hardest would have to be stop and ask quitsionbecause that will take up are reading time that we have trying to pick and idea to quision about what you are reading about. and my goal is going to be keep reading for more than 20minutes because i dont like reading right know...