Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Know of Any Good Books!

Well, this week we began our Book It Program. Hopefully, you have been reading 20 minutes per night at home. Tomorrow, Friday, we will once again visit our school library. You will have the opportunity to renew or return/checkout new books.

To prepare for the library visit, we want to know all about great fictional books! Write a comment about your favorite book. Tell us why you like the book. Or what you think of the book. Make sure to include the title and author of your book so others may read it too! You can also tell who you would recommend the book to and why you would recommend that book.

Please include at least one of the following as well. . .

What happens in your book? Why does it happen? Who is your favorite character and why? But, don't give away the ending!

Maybe, someone will be encouraged to check out the your favorite book and enjoy it just as much as you!
Be sure you read other comments before leaving the blog.


Anonymous said...

My favorite book is Sponge Bob Square Pants Fear Factor.I like that book because i love sponge bob.

Anonymous said...

i am reading the magic tree favorite charachtor is jack be cause he is the one that is always giving smart he is always finding out what to do and not getting this book jack and annie meet french explorers on a huge ship.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is dare to be scared because i like scary books. i think it is cool how it has a lot of different books inside of it. inside of the book the have either ghosts or people who try to murder the other person. it happens because it is supposed to be a scary book. my favorite charictos in the book are the people that try to scare all the other charictors.also because i like the people who scare them because i like scaring people too.

Anonymous said...

I do not have a faverit book but i like myterys.

Anonymous said...

diary of a wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney because its funny Jeff and Rowley get attacked by 8th graders on halloween and they hide in jeffs grandmas place until they call jeffs parents and have to come home

Anonymous said...

my favorit book is the simpsions becaus i like to whatch the simpsons

Anonymous said...

I like my book because it is fasinating the book i am read is mummies and pyramids 5th period class because you can learn alot out of it just tells us about egyptain stuff

Anonymous said...

My to favorite books are battle and arms and armor

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is capten under pants,i like capten under pantes because it is intertaining and not boring

Anonymous said...

title:the bully author:paul langan
i think that this book is very good to visualiz and to summarize because it goes in to the book deep and tells you what they are doing and what the are wearing and what the weather is and stuff like thath.i would recommmed this book to brianna and sarah d. because it is very good and i think that it would be there kind of book and because i think that they will like it...

Anonymous said...

i am reading holes my favorit charicter is stanly because he is aboy how is framed for stilling 5000 doller shows but rilly ziro did he was picked up a week later

Anonymous said...

uglies is my favorite book because it is a book about the future telling about how on the 16th birthday of every ugly they get an operation that makes them pretty. I would recomend this book to anyone that likes books about the future or about people that wanna change.

Anonymous said...

I like drums of war Ilike it becouse it is filled with actoin and charle is alote like me

Anonymous said...

my favorit book is sponge bob sqare pantes because it is a non-boring book that i love to read alot.

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is were the red fren grows.I like it because its sasd and happy and it shows you not to scared of every thing just do it.I would recommend this book to all my friends because its a real good book to read.MY favorite charactrs are bigred the dog and little ann the dog They are huteing dogs that love to hunt.

Anonymous said...

My book is the cookie monstre. it is about how gets the biggist cookie and how gets thr croms on the bodom and you will get a tikit to come to his fakterrey and that person will get the biggist cookie.

Anonymous said...

i like the city of enber and narnia the horse and his boy.
i do not now the author of the books i said. I like these books because they realy get ion the story and you have no idea what will happen next. in city of ember i like doon because him and lina are like the heros of the story. but the horse and his boy i dont have one.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is garfieldit is by Jim Davisbecause garfield is always torchers odie because he dosent like odie my favorite charcter is garfield because hes funny

Anonymous said...

zi like the book titanic because it is so interesting but,i like the one where jack won a ticket to the titanic and he fell in love with rose but a ice burg came out of no where and they started turning but, it hit it then the ship started to sink 2 hours later it was down at the bottom of the ocean and it was 1 hour latter jack died in the watter and rose lived intil she was an old womman

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is interesting because it is partly a true story. I like this book because i like to read about true stories. The title of my favorite book is Wintering Wells. The author is Lee Waits. I would recomend this book to all of the sisth grade because it is a great book. In my favorite book the boy was cutting wood and his sister yelled snake. the boy picked up his axe and swung it. He cut his leg instead of the snake.

Anonymous said...

my book is about a charcter named Alex Rider. he is 14 and he is working for the M16 speicial opperations.he is on his 6th mission.he is my favorite charcter because he had many exciting adventurs.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is lion witch and the werdobe(the chroncails of narnia by c.s) lewis. this is my favorite book beacuse i like the setting of it and how it takes place. i recmend this book to any body

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer. I like it because it's like so many genres at one time. Like Mystery, Action and all that good stuff. Right now Holly is trapped by two dwarfs.

Anonymous said...

I liek A sires of Unfortunte Events by: Lemeny Snicket. Last night I fnished book 12. all of the other Lemeny snicket books are good to.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my favorite book is eragon.becauseithas dragons and i like dragons

Anonymous said...

my favirote book is cracker because i love reading dog stories and it is very cool

Anonymous said...

my m

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is spiderwick chronicols i love the movie.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is sixth grade secrets and the author is louis sachar and it is alsome you are not aloud to have a club but they do you choosed read it

Anonymous said...

I like the book ''Theres a boy in the girl's restroom.'' Because it is so so funny and hummmeries.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is The BFG because I like Roald Daul's favorite charater is the bfg

Anonymous said...

My favorite book goosebumps BY:RL.STINE . He makes them so scary it's like it is realy happening .It is like you are about to wet your self & have nightmares .

Anonymous said...

My favrite book is called a child called it I love this book because it is a true story but it is also very sad.

Anonymous said...

Harry Potter blows up his aunt and gets onto the night bus and gos to diagon ally.Fudge, the minister of magic says that Harry Potter is in trouble because he in not aloud to use magic around muggles which muggles are like us non magic.It happens when he gets mad because his aunt talks about his dad in a bad way.Harry Potteris my favorite charactor because he is very good at magic and is related to the top 20 best wizzards in history....

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is the kid who ran for president. my favorite character is moon because he dosent even know what the president does. i would recommend this book to kids who like humorous books

Anonymous said...

i've been reading harry potter.he learns he is a wizerd.

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is all the Harry Potter seris by J.K. Rowling. I like this book because Harry potter is awsome.

Anonymous said...

Harry Potter by JK Rowin it has adventure.

Anonymous said...

my favrit book is inuyasha becuse it is advetureis funny and the best novel ever it is a comice book if u dont know what a novle is.

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is called A Child Called It Because its based on a true story and its sad.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

My favorite book is The Secret Bedroom by R.L. Stine. I love his books!! This girl moves into a house on fear street and finds a room in the attic. She finds a perfect bedroom with a ghost that end up torturing her!! So that the ghost can take over her body to be human again. i like the ghost because she has a very divious mind!

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is Earon

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is sammy keyes.Its a mistury.

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is Dear emily bee, I picked this book because i read it before and can't get enough of it .I would recommed this book to ever girl that like's to write in a diary or jounarl .I think it's important to write your thoughts in a diary or a jounarl So you can get your feelings out because as a girl it's important for every girl to express thier self'f because it's about us and the future.

Anonymous said...

In the book im reading there is a kid named jack,and at the beginning his house was robbed.The robber put a knife to his head and said"make a sound and you die"then he wet hiself.The book is relly cool'and i recommend it to enyone...Zach's lie is a relly COOL BOOK!!!

Anonymous said...

I like ''How the grinch stole christmas.'' Because it is so cute and funny.

Anonymous said...

In chanecy he is abandond in a empty gildng feald.He barliy makes it thogh the winter.His owner finily came back and took him to Muryriver Stables. he meats clare and they became the best of friends.He goes completly blind in his left eye . Which enables him to be able to jump.....but his athrise is a resane too. It happen becuse he got a cancer in his eye.The new owner mrs. mary sent him to a surgen to stop it .They maneged to stop it but not remove it.Mac and Gwen are my favriot becuse they stay with chancey even if he dosnt need it.

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is Ratatouille.Its a little mouse named Remy and a chef named Gustoe.Remy reads Gustoe's cook book and learns how to cook.Remy has this word he uses when his family says''Remy your a mouse not a chef,you eat out of a trashcan not out of a plate with a fancy dish on it,then as the famous cook book says''anyone can cook.I like it because how Remy can cook all of these fancy dishes.His kitchen adventures he took through the book was cool he fell in dish water and almost drowned,then almost got his tail cut off.He tasted the soup and he said it was awful and he added some things to give it a little flavor.

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is naruto. It is exiting the author is i dont know

Anonymous said...

my favioten book is the cheetah girls because i have the movie and because they sing.if you ever get a chance to read it read it because wants you read to page three it starts getting better.

Anonymous said...

one of my favorit books is harry potter and the soucer of chambers

Anonymous said...

ny favorite book is Wenny has Wings. it is about a boy and a girl who got ran over by a old guy in a favorite character is wenny who is up in heaven watching her brother down in the real world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my favorite book is Captain Underpants by Dave Pilkey i would recommend this book because it's funny.

Anonymous said...

my favirote book is my teacher is an elein.

Anonymous said...

Well i dont really have a favorite book but i do have a favorite type of gener witch is mystery and i like it because it is ineresing

Anonymous said...

my favrit book is called the secrit to grandfathers dairy it is a rilly good book

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is Island of the blue dolphins because its about dolphins are my favorite animals

Anonymous said...

MY faveorite books are comidy books like garfield my book that I made in 2nd grade made a boock is alive like frankin stein and every body loved it and this is the end so fair well

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is the chronicles of narnia. and that does not mean it is just the lion witch and the wardrobe. there are more like the magician's nephew, the horse and his boy and prince caspian. that is to just name a few.

Anonymous said...

the book im reading is called Warriors.The author is Erin Hunter.What happens is fireheart becomes thunderclans leader because he murders shadow.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is peter and the shadow thieves.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is UNTIL WE MEET AGIN. My favorite charicter was tarah because she was always helpin darcy with her problems that she had with hakeem and brian.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book is called twice apoun a time. the author of the book is Wendy Mass.i would recommend this book to someone who likes fairy tails or tall about sleeping beauty the one who fell asleep for a really long nap.his story and hers.

Anonymous said...

one of my favorit books is harry potter and the soucer of chambers

Anonymous said...

my favorite book would be Harry patter

Anonymous said...

my my favorite book is the cheetah girls because i have the movie and in the movie the sing and dance and if you read it you'll like it because if i do you if you get a chance a chance to read it you should read it.the cheetah girls is a good book.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my favirite book is where the red fern grows cause it is funny and sad.the part that is the sadest is when the dog dies and the bad part is that they put in detail i cried my eyes out badly so did my teacher.if you had read it then blog about what you in did you cry or just being normal.

Anonymous said...

my favorite book would be the same as joesph commentand because i like him

Anonymous said...

Im reading a joey pigza favorite part of the book iswhen he has to be home-schooled.

Anonymous said...

my fav book is harry potter andthe chamber of scecrtes. what happens is that they find a old chamber deep in the castle and there is a beast in the castle and with one look... well i want tell you my fav chartatre ing herminie gretenger she is a shrat a student and has long brown hair and has sparkly brown eyes and is friends
with harry and ron

Anonymous said...

My favorite books are horror and myster and fairy taies but really i like all kind of books but history stuff like that some history i do lie but a surtin type but some times i dont like to read i like to write and some times i do any thing not to read. my favorite book is Thirteen is a book that has 13 tales of horror by 13 masters of horror it is about so far teens that are haveing a party and these two girls are fighting over a boy named bobby and so far I like the book but i thought the book would be about like people hurting other people but i gesuss not.