Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good Readers

Good readers use the reading comprehension strategies as they read. You have heard me say this several times already and we have completed only the first month of school. The reading comprehension stratgies include
  • making connections
  • asking questions
  • visualizing
  • predicting
  • inferring
  • activating your prior knowledge
  • monitoring your comprehension
  • determining what's important
  • syntheszing

Please answer the following as you comment today . . .

1. Describe which strategy is the easiest for you and why.

2. Describe which stragtey is the hardest for you and why.

3. What are you looking forward to this year in reading?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Anyone Blog?

Welcome! This is the first posting of many in 5th, 6th and 7th Periods' Class Reading Blog. Today's goal is to get you acquainted with blogging.

Remember from our activity in class a few weeks ago, where we simulated a blog after reading a poem. Each person responded or commented on the poem which was considered a post. You exchanged papers (using the basketball hoop/basket) with a classmate and read that person's paper, after which you commented again. (We repeated this several times.)

From that activity, I hope you remember that once you enter our online class blog, you FIRST READ the posting(s) and previous comments and THEN respond by adding a comment. How many of you have your own blog?

If so, how do you use it?

What is its purpose?

If no, what blog would you create?

Please answer these questions when you make a comment. NEVER include your full name or anyone else's in your comment. (for example: a student named Jane Doe should leave her name as only as Jane D.)