Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February Response 1

Your task is to Complete a Journal Response on your Independent Reading book. Use at least 2 sentence leads from your Reading FOLDER.

Remember: A summary of the book is not quite as interesting as your thoughts, questions or other comments about the book. There are times when summaries are important; however this is not the time.

With this in mind please use capital letters where appropriate and correct punctuation.

As you create your response remember to refer back to the BLOG RUBRIC (see below) to earn the maximum points.

To make your response more original add more to your response than the two sentence leads. Expand your ideas, give details and examples to support the sentences leads you choose.

Be sure to include the title of your book and its author so others who read your comment will understand.

Your Response might start out something like this . . .

Sentence Lead Starters: # & #

If you finish early be sure to read previous posts and comments on our blog to see if anyone has referenced a comment that you have made.

As you read other comments do you notice anyone who has read a book that you are reading/have read. If so, what comments do you have for them?


Anonymous said...

Title:Diary of a Wimpy kid: The Last Straw
Author:Jeff Kinney
Sentence Lead Starters: #35 & #29

I think the illustrations were good because they looked really cool.
If I could be any character in this book I would be Greg because hes funny and cool.

Anonymous said...

Title:Belle Teal
Author:Ann M. Martin
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #25

I visulized Daryl & Belle Teal when they was talking away at lunch and recese having a good time.

I think that Clarice and Belle Teal will become bestfriends with Daryl and Daryl's friends after they get to know them.

Anonymous said...

Title:The Hound of the Baskervills
Author:Sir Aurther Conan Doyle
Sentence Lead Starters: #2 & #26

"Mr Holems, they were the foot prints of a gigantic hound!"said Dr Mortimere.
I think this book is kind of boring because its a mystery book and I dont like mystery books. I would rather read 'The Three little Pigs' or somthing.

Anonymous said...

Title:The Clique
Author:Lisi Harrison
Sentence Lead Starters:15 # & 14 #
The title of the book says to me Danger Danger stay away.It says that to me because it reminds me of (The Movie Mean Girls) because they have cliques and that movie is danger comeing every sec of it.Its sooooo BAD! This book makes me want to throw the book away its so mean they talk about people make funof people and more.It also makes me want to be a better person.This book is just study people talk make fun of people.ITS HOROBLE!

Anonymous said...

Title:its not easy being bad
Author:cynthia voigt
Sentence Lead Starters: #19 & #15

i think the illustrations is very spicy for the book and very good illustrations.

the title of this book says to me is that it is hard being mean but i disagree because its easy being bad

Anonymous said...

Title: Bridge to Terabithia
Author: Katherine Paterson
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #18

I visualized a twinkie when the character's sis got package of twinkies before she got on the bus to go to school.

The genre of this book is fictoin because it has creatutres and places that don't exist.For example Teribithia and tree gaints .

Anonymous said...

Title:The Search For Delicious
Author:Natalie Babbitt
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #13

I visualized Ardis the mermaid playing with her doll.The dwarfs made it for her. They told her that if they gave her the doll she would have to protect the cottage,So she did.As she was swiming a little boy came by and took her wistle.The wistle was to open and close the door to the cottage.

Arfter the book ends, i predict that adris will marry the boy who stool her wistle. She also might turn into a human, and live in a nice house with the dwarfs and man.

Anonymous said...

What sucks about me.
teenage/vampire surviver guide

This book was about this girl named Mia, yes from BRAM STOKERS DRACULA, and she's always known her parents were vampires, but didn't know she would have to make the biggest desion of her life. She has to make a choice of becaming a vampire or staying human, So she starts taking these vampire classes, which she meets some preety kool friends, and two boys that one she really likes but doesn't know her boy who is a friend is going to take her to prom.
Her parents are keeping secrets from her, her friends are keeping secrets from her, she has to make a huge desion and prom is in two weeks.

Anonymous said...

Title: Jackie's Nine
Author: Sharon Robinson
Sentence Lead Starters: 5 & 29
If I could talk to one of the books characters I would to talk to Jackie's wife because I would like to find out what it felt like to have a husband who always had racial slurs yelled at him.

If I could be any character in the book i would be Jackie because i would like to stand up for what i believe in and take in the world with open arms.

Anonymous said...

Author:Wilson Rawls
sentence lead starters#28,#29

In the book it said two young ladies about the girls age stopped hen stared at her than walked away. That part made me lagh because when i said it it's funny and interesting.You should read it!

Anonymous said...

Title:Wrinkle in time
Author:Madeleine L'Engle
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #30

I visualized meg when she tackled the guy that made her mad.
I thought this was an effective piece of writing because it is good fiction.

Anonymous said...

Title:The Clique
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #3

I vizualized Claire when the Maggies best friend dumps red paint on Claires white THe GAP jeans to make it look like she just sarted her period.

A question i have sbout this book is... Why did the author have to make it about 4 mean rich girls because usally that just leads to a cat fight ar an ultimate disater. Or at least thats how id put it.

Anonymous said...

Title:Joey Pigza Swallowed the key
Author:Jack Gantos
Sentence Lead Starters:#1 & #4
I visualzed when Joey kept spining around ant then the teacher came out to the hallway and started to yell at him. The setting of this story is imporatant beacause this story would not make sence if it did not take place at home and at school. It makes sence because Joey has to take a pill so he can pay ation in school.

Anonymous said...

Title:A wrinkle in time
Author:Madeleine L'engle
Sentence Lead Starters: # 40&#1
If I could interviewthe main character I would ask the following questions:Meg is your dad dead? what is that big black weird thing in the dark?

i visualized meg being sad when she didn't want to talk about her dad.

Anonymous said...

Title:Joey Pigza Swallowed the key
Author:Jack Gantos
Sentence Lead Starters:#1 & #4
I visualzed when Joey kept spining around ant then the teacher came out to the hallway and started to yell at him. The setting of this story is imporatant beacause this story would not make sence if it did not take place at home and at school. It makes sence because Joey has to take a pill so he can pay ation in school.

Anonymous said...

Title:The canivors carnival

Author:liminie snicket
Sentence Lead Starters: # & # i like this book a little bit its just i cant get into the book that well u mighht like this book but i sure dont. :] :] :] :] :]:]:]:]:]:}

Anonymous said...

Title: Joey Pigza Swallowed The key
Author: Jack Gantos
Sentence Lead Starters:16 & 25
my feelings about the book changed when I found out that his parents left when he was little.But when his mom came back it made me happy.

I think that joey will get a dog will happen after he goes to the special school.

Anonymous said...

Title:A Child Called "It"
Author:Dave Pelzer
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #

I visualized David standing in front of the stove passing time to stay away from being burnt. When i read that I couldn't help but feel sorry for a kid that's been abused and tortured for along time.

This book help me to realize what have had happen to them. I couldn't help but feel sorry for these child have been abused and tortured most of their lives. to me that is just cruel to take a innocent child and try to make their life miserable.

Anonymous said...

Title:A chiled called "it"
Author:Dave Pelzer
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #7
I visualized when the charecter droped the nife and it stabbed him in the upper stomach, when that happend the book said that he had alot of blood on his shirt.
When I read this book I felt discusted bacause the mom was so mean I felt terafied and sad if I was him I would run away.

Anonymous said...

im reading a book about a girl and she has all thes gohst that are like her ansisters and they follow her were ever she goes and they wont stop following her around and she gets really made and she tells them she never wants to see them again and so they leave her and then she starts to feel sorry for them so she hollers for them and they wont come and so then she starts to feel really sorry and she really gets sad and for gits all about them.

Anonymous said...

Title:frozen fire

Author:james housten

Sentence Lead Starters: #35 & #29:i like this book alot i just want you guys to try this book out it might take you a little while to get though the book

Anonymous said...

im reading this book about a 16 year old and she is haveing along relashionship wit someone and so yea

Anonymous said...

Title:Leven Thumps And The Gateway To Foo
Sentence Lead Starters:#'s7,19author:Obert Skye
when i read this book i felt bad fo witer having to deal with that big fat meanie Mr.Bentwonder because he only cares about himself and is so rude.

i think the illusrations in this book are so Kool because THEY GIVE SO MUCH DETAIL

Anonymous said...

Title:Math Rashes
Author:Douglas Evans
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #3

I visualized the bully on the play ground bullying little kids say THAT THATS HIS PLAY GROUND. A question I have about this book is the teacher is always telling the kids to do there work but why don't
he help them with it like teacher at Study.

Anonymous said...

Title:Belle Teal
Author:Ann M. Martin
Sentence Lead Starters: #13 & #1

After this book ends, I predict that almost everyone will be Darryl's friend. Also I what I predict is that Belle's Teal grandmother will lose all of her memory. Last what I predict will happen at the end of the book is that Vanessa will be one of Belle Teal's best of friends.

I visualized Belle Teal when she was stomping home from the bus crying because she was mad at Veron and Chas, Clarice because they were making fun of Darryl because he was a different race than them.

Anonymous said...

Title:the end
Author:Lemony snickets
Sentence Lead Starters: #15 & #29

i visuliz that olaf willbe stuck in a bird cage.
If I could be a charecter in this book I would be count olaf.

Anonymous said...

Title:a hole in the world
Author:sid hite
Sentence Lead Starters: # & #
it is about a kid who has gotton in troble irealy dont like it

Anonymous said...

Title:Math Rashes
Author:Douglas Evans
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #3

I visualized the bully on the play ground bullying little kids say Thats his play ground. A question I have about this book is the teacher is always telling the kids to do there work but why don't
he help them with it like teacher at Study.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

im hungry

Anonymous said...

Title:its not easy being bad
Author:cynthia voigt
Sentence Lead Starters: #13 & #14

i predict that everything will be ok and she will not be mad no more and theywill talk agan

this book made me want to acton and read.

Anonymous said...

Title: the Hound of the baskerville
Author:Aurther conan doyle
Sentence Lead Starters: #3 & #43
a question I have abot this book is why does it go back and forth from present to past on Hugo Baskerville? The reason I ask it just makes it complicated. I admire the charecter Sherlock Holmes because the way he investigates is unbelievable, He is like the best detective in the world.

Anonymous said...

i like milk

Anonymous said...

Title:The End
Author:Lemony Snicket
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #2
I visulized a girl in a robe when the Baudalairs Washed on shore.

Friday reminds me of my cousin because she is six years old like Friday.

Anonymous said...

Title:the lion ,witch and wardrobe
Author:C.S Lewis
i predict that he will live

Anonymous said...

Title:the end
Author:lemony snicket
Sentence Lead Starters:this book is very interesting.it is this interesting becouse it is basicley made of clife hangers making it hard to stop wich also makes it very very hared to not ead ahead.and if you are able to stop then you need to find a new book becouse you eather love it or hate it

Anonymous said...

Sentence Lead Starters: #35 & #29

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Title: Oddballs
Authour: William Sleator
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #21

While reading oddballs I visulized these trashy looking kids running around baisclly doing whatever they want. The authour always described the stting so good I could picture every setting.

I wonder why the character wanted the popular girls to see her and her friend taking ABC gum off the water fountain and taking it and chewing it.


Anonymous said...

title:Joey Pigza Swallow The Key
Author:Jack Gantos
Icould visualized when he was trying to train his self tobe able to pull his key out of his stomch.

Anonymous said...

Title:The Carnivorous Carnival
Author: Lemony Snicket
Sentence Lead Starters: 29 & 21
If I could be any Character in this book I would be Klaus because he is smart and withput him olaf would have gotten there money and been somewhere around the world.

I wonder why Count Olaf wants to steal there money?

Anonymous said...

Title:A Winkle in Time
Author:Madeleine L'Engle
Sentence Lead Starters #3 & # 14

A question I have about this book is why does Mrs.Whatsit's voice change.

this book makes me want to read more every time I have to stop.

Anonymous said...

title; the 6th grade nickname game

author; gordon kurman

this book is very funny it has no pics but who cares this book is very fun to read and the nicknames are very funny to

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Post a Comment On: Starz Reading Blog"February Response 1"
44 Comments - Hide Original PostCollapse comments
Your task is to Complete a Journal Response on your Independent Reading book. Use at least 2 sentence leads from your Reading FOLDER.

Remember: A summary of the book is not quite as interesting as your thoughts, questions or other comments about the book. There are times when summaries are important; however this is not the time.

With this in mind please use capital letters where appropriate and correct punctuation.

As you create your response remember to refer back to the BLOG RUBRIC (see below) to earn the maximum points.

Hint: To make your response more original add more to your response than the two sentence leads. Expand your ideas, give details and examples to support the sentences leads you choose.

Be sure to include the title of your book and its author so others who read your comment will understand.

Your Response might start out something like this . . .

Sentence Lead Starters: # & #

If you finish early be sure to read previous posts and comments on our blog to see if anyone has referenced a comment that you have made.

As you read other comments do you notice anyone who has read a book that you are reading/have read. If so, what comments do you have for them?
posted by Mrs. W at 10:25 PM on Feb 24, 2009

Anonymous said...

title: wanted
author:caroline b. cooney
sentence lead starter#none

I THINK THE AUTHOR HAD A TOUgh job to do because she had to think of it as her self killing her own dad and how the police wold find her and if she would excape from the real muders who killed her father

Anonymous said...

Title:The Call Of The Wild
Author:Jack London
Sentence Lead Starters: # 22& #33
I think the character attcked the guy because the men stole him from his home he thouht it was just a walk but it wasn't.I think this book can happen

Anonymous said...

Title: The Carnivorous Carnival
Author: Lemony Snicket
Sentence Lead Starters: 7 & 1
when I read this book I felt very exicted. Because they broke the crystal ball.

i visulized when the Sunny was in Count Olaf beard.

Anonymous said...

Title:war of the worlds
Author:H.G. Wells
Sentence Lead Starters: #5 & #

I like the topic of The War Of The Wolds and I wanted to see if it is like the movey.

Anonymous said...

Title:war of the worlds
Author:H.G. Wells
Sentence Lead Starters: #5 & #1

I like the topic of The War Of The Wolds and I wanted to see if it is like the movey.

I visulized what the alian looks like.

Anonymous said...

Title:Leven Thumps the gate way to Foo
Author:Obert Sky
Sentence Lead Starters: # & #

In this Book it talks about a boy named Leven growing up without his mother and living with his aunt wich dosen't care much for him, going along with her huband Terry wich says that Leven is like a little brother.This book also talks about how Leven dosen't have many cloths so he wears his aunts Wonder Wipes work shirts.... I think that this is a good fiction story because of all of the details it has and i would recamand everyone to try it.

Anonymous said...

Author:Walter Dean Myers
Sentence Lead Starters:#10&15 Hoops is a realy good book.The big idea in this book is that there is this boy that is a realy good basketball player.Form the title I can see thatthere is a realy good basketball player in the book.

Anonymous said...

Title:Because of Winn-Dixie
Author:Kate Dicamillo
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 , #7,&15
I visualized that Winn-Dixie would die after he ran away.When I read this book I felt sad because I thought Winn-Dixie was gonna die.My feelings changed for Winn- Dixie when he ran away.

Anonymous said...

Title: Dolphins at day break
Author:marry pope osborn
Sentence Lead Starters: #35#

Dolphins at day break is a very interstring book because it has a dolphin save the kids form a shark attac in the sea.At first I thougth that that they where going to die,but they were saved by two wonderful dolphins who glared so amasing in the sun light.In and out of the water,the mast amasing thing i have ever sean in the world ...ok..it's not the most amasing thing ive ever sean in let's just put it this way it's a good book!

Anonymous said...

Title: Dr. Dre
Author:Hal Marcovitz
Sentence Lead Starters: #35 & #29

I think the pictures of Eminem and Dr. Dre are awesome together. If i could be one of the characters i would be Eminem cause he's a good rapper

Anonymous said...

Author:Stepine meyers
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #22
I visualized the car almost slaming into Bella but then Edwards ahnd stopped it. The I saw Edward arguing with Bella because she ask how did he get there so fast when he was so far away for herand he kept saying that he was there the whole time and he just happen to have fast moves.so they keep arguing about that untill she walks off.Then he runs off to the woods.

I think Edward was trying to save bella's life because he loved her so dearly.SOme time in the book they fall in love and he says that she does not know how long he has waited for you and during the hunt when James trys to kill Bella Edward said that he would do anything to make her safe again.But I just learned that his love is not only on set secretly he has a crush on his co-star kristen(Bella)