Complete a Journal Response on your Independent Reading book. Use at least 2 sentence leads from your Reading FOLDER.
Remember: A summary of the book is not quite as interesting as your thoughts, questions or other comments about the book.
Remember: A summary of the book is not quite as interesting as your thoughts, questions or other comments about the book.
With this in mind please use capital letters where appropriate and correct punctuation.
Be sure to include the title of your book and its author so others who read your comment will understand.
Your Response might start out something like this . . .
Sentence Lead starter
If you finish early be sure to read previous posts and comments on our blog to see if anyone has referenced a comment that you have made.
As you read other comments do you notice anyone who has read a book that you are reading/have read. If so, what comments do you have for them?
Be sure to include the title of your book and its author so others who read your comment will understand.
Your Response might start out something like this . . .
Sentence Lead starter
If you finish early be sure to read previous posts and comments on our blog to see if anyone has referenced a comment that you have made.
As you read other comments do you notice anyone who has read a book that you are reading/have read. If so, what comments do you have for them?
The book I read was a Goosbumb book it was about how humans fly. But then he does not whant to fly eny more. This is a great book by R.L. Stien
Title:George's Marvelous Medicine
Author:Roald Dahl,
Will my book is about this boy george and his mom goes to to the valley and he is home with his grandma. He has to give her the mediciane at 11:00 and they start to talk and he gets creeped out. Then goes in the kitchen to think of a plan to creep grandma out. So he starts to make mediciane. That is as far as i have gotten. It is a really good book.You sould read it.
Skeleton Key is the title of my book. It waz writen by Anthony Horwitz. Night came quickly to Skeleton Key.The sun hovered briefly over the horizon,
i am reading a book caled holes it is about a boy how gits sint to sumer camp for acrime he did not commit
Chat Rooms
its about agirl who is on chat rooms 24 seven and brarely gets her homework done and never goes to bed and goes to school and falls asleep in class and falls in love over the chat rooms.....
My book is about a girl that goes to a lot of foster familys.Now she is at a womans house and she is about to give Gilly a rould awaking.
Title:The Great Gilly Hopkins
Author:Kathenine Paterson
title:Sign of the beaver
Author unknown
this book is about a boy whio gets ditched by his dad in the woods and has to build a log cabin for his mom. he has to build it all hiself and find his way home alone.
the book im reading is LOSER.The other is Jerry Spinelli.My book is about a kid who dose not pay attention and gets in trouble alot.
Title: Picture Bride
Author:Yoshiko Uchida
To summerize the text Iwould say....
Title:Danger Zone
Author:David Klass
I visualized a picture in my mind when the character was shooting all the 3 pointers.
I wonder why the character did not want to be in a ral team at the olimpics.
I read a book about 3 day's ago i thank it was calld the i8nternet it was manly abou how you can lear to get on the conputer in 10 minutes but it made me even go 3 tmes faster i thak i did it in about 3 miniuts.
my book is diary of a wimpy kid i dont know the ather
The book im reading is about an orphin boy who is outside in the early morning when there is a blizzard and an abandoned gray horse is running about.Can he save the abandoned horse?
Book:gib and the gray ghost
Author:Zylpha Snyder
My favirot book is Goosebumps TITLE GHOST BEACH
Do you know my favorite book. It is Riding Freedom. It is about a girl nemed charlotte that ran away from a orphanage. a old man finds her sleeping and he lets her stay. the old man mistakes her for a boy, calls her Charley for six weeks til his son comes and invites her to come with him to Sacremento,California.
the book im reading is brisingr its about a boy and his dragon saphera plus his brother roran go to save his causins wife .this is a teriffic book by some guy
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